Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean it's a good idea for you. Learn to tune out outside preasures and make good decisions for your business in the long term.
Maybe you’ve been in business for a while and you’re interested in adding new offerings to your business. Maybe you’ve just started dipping your toes in the water and can’t decide between a few different product paths. We’ve all been there. As a business owner, you have to make these kind of decisions as you move forward and continue to grow, but the decision can be harrowing — nerve-wracking and intimidating!
Jenny Sanders will be joining Victoria for an in-depth conversation about products and when (or if) to carry them. We'll go through the questions you should be asking yourself when considering carrying product, what your answers should be and whether carrying products is the right move for your business.
What do we mean by product? Product examples could be selling prints, a semi-custom line, greeting cards, ribbon, handmade paper, etc. But they don’t have to be physical products either, you might be considering offering services like mentoring, workshops, or branding consultation. For example, when Victoria decided to begin Prep School, a purely digital product, she went through the same thought processes we talk about in this course! We'll walk you through the process and behind the scenes efforts of what goes into researching, creating and carrying a product line.